Sunday, January 18, 2009

half marathon

Well...I survived my first half marathon! 13.1 miles of hell! I was feeling really good at mile ten but shortly after, my back started having spasms. I found myself on the lawn of some guy's house trying to work out the spasm. feet swelled up so my big toes were rubbing against the front of my shoes. My right toenail turned black and will most certainly fall off later.

The weather was perfect and the trail was wound around several Saint George golf courses. Some of the houses we passed were enormous! I was inspired by the many people along the trail holding up signs cheering on Dad, Mom, Granny, brothers and sisters etc. It was very gratifying to cross the finish line and to find my beautiful wife waiting for me at the end.

As I was finishing I thought that this must be how it will be in the hereafter. We run this race we call life. There are good things and bad along the way. When we cross the finish line, we will be greeted by those we love and that is all that really matters. I was very emotional and couldn't even talk for a few minutes. I am sore and as of now, I am saying "never again" but time will tell. Already I am forgetting the bad and remembering the good!


Scott and Sunny Nielsen said...

That is awesome Jerry! What an accomplishment!

HeatherK said...

Great job Jerry. You are an inspiration!