Monday, September 15, 2008

Weekend in Price

This weekend Scott, Zade and I went to Price to watch Sai for Sulika. Instead we helped Sulika and Scott cater a marathon. Scott M. ran the marathon and we helped get all the food ready and served. It turned out really well. I found out my car goes really fast... I won't say how fast as I do not want to incriminate myself. We had two rice cookers and one wasn't working so I drove to Walmart in Price to buy three more. What a day!

Sulika took our engagement pictures yesterday. I think they turned out good. We babysat Sai while she and Scott visited with Jr. last night. He seems to be doing somewhat better but still really sick.

Zade is headed to Elko this morning for work and then off to Reno later in the week. A whole week out of town, he should make some good money. Thanks again Zade for helping us this weekend!

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